Sede legale:
Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, n. 13
46100 – Mantova
Codice Fiscale 93062590208
EPSITALIA acts on practical purposes based on values widely shared by the team. The network wants to deal fairly with its stakeholders and to implement decisions and behaviors that can produce values for all parties involved in the economic process and in its business.
EPSITALIA wants to face the market with the characteristics of transparency, clarity and ethical relationships with the interlocutors.
EPSITALIA will consider the customer as the key point of its success, and will work to their satisfaction, even focusing on the rules of social responsibility.
"Some figures of EPSITALIA: The network has an annual revenue of 65.000.000 euros and over 239 employees"
The goal is to increase the ability of playing system among the manufacturing chains
EPSITALIA is a network among companies belonging to the same production field and with the main purpose of carrying out joint projects and innovation processes. EPSITALIA’s goal is to enhance the ability of “playing network”, reducing operating costs and introducing the network on the market as a unitary structure .
"EPSITALIA aims to the continuous development of human resources by creating the conditions for a professional growth"
It is a network of Companies belonging to the same manufacturing area focusing on common projects and innovative projects
”Playing network” for EPSITALIA means, first of all, to know each other in order to find actual and future similarities.
The assumption that led to the establishment of EPSITALIA has to be found in the deep belief that corporate social responsibility does not end with the essential function of generating profits but includes an understanding of the business that requires social legitimacy to act and interact positively in the market. Our organization wants to learn how to deal fairly with its customers and wants to implement decisions and behaviours that can produce value for all parties involved in the economic process and in its business.
EPSITALIA wants to use practical tools for improving and monitoring the corporate social responsibility, to review and evaluate the results of the business of all members, not only in their economic dimension.
EPSITALIA wants to face the market with the characteristics of transparency, clarity and ethical relationships with the interlocutors.
EPSITALIA aims to the continuous development of human resources by creating the conditions for professional growth which can only lead to greater efficiency and productivity of the offered services. Moreover so much important is the attention that the network addresses to the health and safety of the workers.
The ecological aspects related to the network activities are constantly monitored in order to protect and respect the environment by continuously improving manufacturing processes. A decisive role is also dedicated to establish relationships with suppliers, which is known as a delicate and strategic topic. Suppliers must become true partners. A severe attention is paid to the unique choice of raw materials of proven high quality but that at the same time can ensure costs containment.
EPSITALIA will consider the customer as the key point of its success, and will work to their satisfaction, even focusing on the rules of social responsibility.
The network through the cooperation and the integration of resources can reach the goal of developing businesses and ideas much more than each single company could be able to pursue on their own individual business realities: the cohesion makes it possible to take advantage of the synergy of the network to strengthen its business or develop a new one, using the expertise gained from other participants. Activity carried out "jointly" may find expression in a research activity, which, despite the lack of immediate economical feedbacks, will take the single company through the implementation of the joint program, on another level of growth of innovative capacity and competitiveness in the market, not only as "individual" subject but also "collectively".
Our products range
complete solutions for construction
Within the expanded polystyrene beads, a closed-cell structure is created. These cells hold within the air, preventing the convection currents and this give expanded polystyrene its excellent thermal insulation. The synterization is the process of welding the expanded polystyrene beads, which, once again subjected to the action of water vapor combine with each other to create a homogeneous block of foam.
The expanded polystyrene is a non-toxic foam, without CFCs or HCFCs, and is 100% recyclable. Many researches consider this material a model for its environmental cost/performance: its use saves much more energy than it takes to produce it
Obviously products do not have to be wasted in the environment as this stands true for any other material.
Today there is a method allowing the comparison between products and components on an equal footing and letting the civil designer or single user a proper choice: life cycle analysis (LCA). It is currently the only method that leads to the award of an index that can be compared between different cases by analyzing the entire life cycle of the item tested by examining all stages from raw material to final recycling. The LCA is a technique for assessing the environmental aspects and potential impacts of a product, involving the comparison of the technical characteristics and performances.
The LCA enhances the use of EPS contributes positively to the environment because the energy used to produce polystyrene foam is minimal compared to the quantity saved during the life of a building properly insulated with EPS.
The EPS is recognized worldwide as a material that does not create hazards to those who use it and install it, it creates no allergy, it is not toxic. Moreover steam and moisture do not damage the material. The mechanical and thermal properties are provided for the entire life of the building where it is installed. EPS is also available in self-extinguishing or flame retardant style so that in a fire process the material is considered as non-participant. Also the gases emission during exposure to the flame are less harmful than those emitted from such materials as wood or cork.
"The expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a rigid, lightweight, petroleum-derived foam. It is composed of carbon on and hydrogen atoms. Through an industrial process, from the petroleum small transparent beads of polystyrene are created. Pentane is then added to them, a hydrocarbon gas that acts as a blowing agent.
Through the contact with water vapor at temperatures above 90° C the beads containing pentane expand up to 20-50 times their original volume.
The EPS is recognized worldwide as a material that does not create hazards to those who use it and produce it, it creates no allergy, it is not toxic
and 100% recyclable
"Our company network."
The company was born in 1971,Di-Bi faces the market of expanded polystyrene with a countertrend decision for that time: to focus on quality and on high performance products. It’s not surprising to realize that in a short time the company would become the first in Europe to create high density materials( 35-40 Kg/m3) and to put ,on the Italian market unknown labels which have become worldwide referring points in the business. This has led to a great number of patents which have carried the company into success. In early ‘90s two new lines have come to side to the traditional EPS panel productions, one dedicated to thermal insulation and waterproofing of roofs and the sound insulation in civil buildings.
Fortlan was born 1967 in the public construction field, in which, from the start it develops new products in insulating fibroid, detecting further applying methods.
The applications soon expanded to the building trade and the industrial systems, the thermo mechanic industry and to thermo hydraulic installations. In 1999 the company achieved the ISO 9002 certification and in 2002 ISO 9001-2000 certification. This evidences a caring industrial activity capable to follow the times and advance tendencies. Fortlan and Di-Bi paths were destined to come across thanks to trend affinity, territorial nearness and identical values.
Fortlan-DIBI desires to build, together with its partners and customers, in the building trade and industry by planning and creating materials and solutions suitable for thermo-acoustic insulation of buildings and industrial equipment. The company believes that thermal insulation avoids waste by using at its best the necessary resources. Fortlan-DIBI represents a referring point for industrial designers, producers and for final users regarding the development of most efficient insulation system for any application.
Fortlan-DIBI represents a referring point for industrial designers, producers and for final users regarding the development of most efficient insulation system for any application.
Via Sacco e Vanzetti 6/6a
42021 Ghiardo di Bibbiano (RE)
MPE, joint stock company was born in 1970 and it dominated the expanded polystyrene market immediately. It has been known for forty years as a reliable supplier in the production and innovation of products for industrial application, food appliance, man safety and building sector.
Building Area a division of MPE, strong of major background, thanks for its professional experience acquired until today, proposes on the building market innovative solutions for thermal insulation. Certified EPS products are more and more performing , detailed and they are made by a productive process suitable for obtaining a high quality standard.
The company is a NQCI partner (Neopor Quality Circle Italy), on a BASF initiative, in order to ensure a certified die to applicators and final users.
The company offers, to operators on the Italian building market, environmental protective solutions with the main issue to protect health, environment and to improve men comfort in building.
MPE S.p.A.
Via Landri, 4
24060 Costa di Mezzate BG
Poliespanso is a limited company with a joint stock of 100.000 € and a certified quality system ISO 9001 2008. The company was established in 1985 by the Zacchè family, which has been on the market since the early ‘50s.
Poliespanso first step is to focus on research and to study new building technologies in order to save energy by using light and isolating materials like EPS expanded polystyrene. In 25 years the company has advanced and it has structured itself in order to offer to its clientele qualified products and fore front services.
It has about 30 young employees, and with its personnel it directly cares for public and press relation and marketing. The company can also count on an inside office which is able to guarantee a full service on planning.
In 2010, the training hours were 216 and 580 hours are scheduled in 2011.
The total absence of industrial accidents in 2007,2008,2009,2010 and the first semester of 2011 witness the company great attention on health and safety.
Via Vespucci 10
46100 Mantova
S.T.S. Polistiroli srl srl is a limited company with a 105.000 € capital stock, certified ISO 9001 – 2008.
The company was established in 1987, owned by the Saccardi and Tezza families, on its background it has been having a great commercial activity with its clientele since the early ‘60s. S.T.S. Polistiroli srl srl starts with the goal to satisfy the needs of thermal insulation and packaging market, at the time when the request of half-finished and EPS products was high, but in the course of time it has refined its activity on products achieved thanks to continuous research and studies in order to save energy in building trade and to give an answer to the gradual reduction of the packaging sector.
S.T.S. Polistiroli srl srl focus and mission is to compete in creating environmentally friendly buildings, at a high technology innovation but at low cost, thanks to EPS applications, it is possible to guarantee less heat loss with a consequent reduction of harmful emissions in our cities. S.T.S. Polistiroli srl, with its EPS production, contributes to improve comfort and the welfare of living condition thanks to its complete recyclable and eco-friendly EPS products.
The total absence of industrial accidents during the years 2008, 2009, 2010 and the first semester 2011 evidences how much the company cares for health and safety, the company also activates precautionary actions monitored by “the internal Safety committee”.
S.T.S. Polistiroli
Via Ortigara 28
37069 Villafranca (VR)
SIVE Spa, Società Italiana Vermiculite Espansa, nasce nell‘ottobre del 1950 con uno stabilimento di 6.000 mq. situato a Robecco Sul Naviglio.
Da allora SIVE opera con successo nel settore dell‘ isolamento termico ed acustico in edilizia, prima con i prodotti in vermiculite espansa e successivamente con la produzione di pannelli isolanti in polistirene espanso sinterizzato.
Una gestione attenta all‘evoluzione del mercato degli isolanti termici ed acustici e improntata alla ricerca della qualità certificata, ha condotto SIVE a nuovi successi commerciali e produttivi, oggi testimoniati dall‘apertura del nuovo stabilimento a Bernate Ticino su un area di 22.000 mq. di cui 12.000 coperti.
SIVE anche oggi continua a proporsi al mercato con immutato spirito di volontà e impegno, e relativamente ai pannelli Isolpiù Lambda prodotti con materia prima Neopor Basf, aderisce al Neopor Quality Circle Italy, un‘iniziativa del gruppo Basf che ha come obiettivo la tutela della qualità. Inoltre è associata ad AIPE, associazione Italiana che opera con il fine di sviluppare l‘impiego del polistirene espanso nonché di tutelarne l‘immagine e la qualità.
SIVE s.p.a.
Via Vittorio Veneto, 15
20010 Bernate Ticino (MI)
The company, certified ISO9001(CSQ), ISO14001 (CSQ Eco), claims more than 30 years experience in the production of expanded polystyrene destined to be used in various sectors, in particular: industry and agriculture packaging, food and insulating panels for thermal insulation. A good insulation protects the house from heat loss during winter and avoids heat waves during summer, according to the regulation in force ( law 311). A good microclimate eases the feeling of comfort in a house. Thanks to its particular versatility expanded polystyrene is one of the most popular materials in the building and packaging trade.
The first part of the international chemical nomenclature, the second term is used only in Italy.
The factory is composed by 10.000m² warehouses, it is situated in Umbria and its geographical position allows the company to operate on the market in central Italy but also on a national scale.
S.S. Flaminia Km 145
06032 Borgo Trevi PG
La rete EPSITALIA sarà presente al Klimahouse 2017 al presso il Settore C D - Stand C19/16
I valori della nostra rete d'imprese sono:
EPSITALIA è una Rete tra industrie specializzate nella trasformazione dell'EPS in manufatti.
Le 6 aziende propongono una gamma di prodotti completa per il risparmio energetico nelle costruzioni.
Si è conclusa sabato la Mostra – Convegno dedicata alla sostenibilità e all’efficienza energetica degli edifici che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 50.000 progettisti e imprese, organizzata nell'ambito di Made Expo 2012 da Edilportale e Made, in collaborazione con Agorà.
Lo Smart Village, alla sua prima edizione , ha offerto la possibilità alle aziende di incontrare negli Smart Box i visitatori, ottenendo così più di 1.000 'Archidating'. All’interno dell’area espositiva delle Smart Cities vi era l’allestimento fornito dalla Rete d’Imprese EPSITALIA (espositore anche nello Smart box), la rete di imprese costituita da aziende dedicate alla ricerca a e allo sviluppo di tecnologie edilizie ecosostenibili.
EPSITALIA è una Rete tra industrie specializzate nella trasformazione dell’EPS in manufatti. La gamma prodotti delle 5 aziende appartenenti abbraccia tutti i settori e tutti i campi dove l’EPS è presente: dall’imballaggio all’alimentare, dalla sicurezza al design e all’arredamento.
In particolar modo le aziende si distinguono nel settore dell’edilizia perché offrono al mercato non solo prodotti altamente tecnologici ma anche know how e consulenza alla progettazione. Per questo allestimento la Rete ha fornito ad Edilportale 140 panchette in EPS rivestite di poliuretano per le sedute dei convegni. Inoltre nelle aree adiacenti era possibile trovare altri elementi di design in EPS come divani, poltrone e chance long. Tutti gli elementi di design esposti sono stati sviluppati attraverso dei progetti creativi per oggetti e complementi d'arredo sfruttando le caratteristiche di un materiale semplice e allo stesso tempo versatile, che si presta all'esecuzione di qualsiasi idea di progetto.
L’EPS è infatti un materiale duttile e versatile che oltre ad essere impiegato per manufatti per l'edilizia può trovare un ottimo sbocco nel settore del design. E’ così che EPSITALIA si è mostrata al pubblico scegliendo lo Smart Village di Edilportale grazie al rapporto di collaborazione delle singole aziende con il portale web dedicato all’edilizia.
E’ per questo che Poliespanso srl, Mpe spa, Fortlan Dibi spa, Sulpol srl e STS Polistiroli srl si sono unite per portare avanti il progetto di responsabilità d’impresa e di etica sociale che prevede la valorizzazione delle risorse umane attraverso l’efficienza e la produttività dei servizi offerti per una crescita professionale.
Non solo, EPSITALIA offre ai suoi clienti una particolare attenzione alla scelta esclusiva di materiali di alta e comprovata qualità che garantiscono al contempo il contenimento dei costi. Una scelta che si sta rivelando vincente.
Quando si parla di risparmio energetico si annoverano varie tecniche per la riduzione dei consumi di energia necessaria allo svolgimento delle diverse attività umane. Se il risparmio energetico è un dovere sociale che interessa tutti i cittadini, è vero anche che garantire qualità prestazionali dei prodotti e dei servizi offerti è la mission delle aziende.
E’ per questo motivo che la Rete d’Imprese EPSITALIA con le sue 5 aziende vuole proporsi al mercato facendo propri i valori di fare impresa offrendo prodotti a progettisti, imprese edili, rivendite, privati che riducono i consumi energetici da un lato e dall’altro contribuire alla diminuzione dei gas serra. EPSITALIA è una Rete tra industrie specializzate nella trasformazione dell’EPS in manufatti. La gamma prodotti delle 5 aziende appartenenti abbraccia tutti i settori e tutti i campi dove l’EPS è presente: dall’imballaggio all’alimentare, dalla sicurezza al design e all’arredamento.
In particolar modo le aziende si distinguono nel settore dell’edilizia perché offrono al mercato non solo prodotti altamente tecnologici ma anche know how e consulenza alla progettazione. Sono queste le caratteristiche che rendono questa gamma prodotti quanto di meglio si possa trovare oggi sul mercato. A partire da Zebra di Fortlan dibi, un prodotto composto da due strati di EPS che insieme offrono per la parte grigia addizionata a graffite isolamento termoacustico e per la parte bianca duttilità ed elasticità.
Sts Polistiroli invece con le lastre Scaccomatto in EPS 150 idrofobizzato di colore azzurro migliora l’assorbimento d’acqua e attraverso una particolare lavorazione superficiale si aumenta l’aderenza del rasante. Ancora Sts Polistiroli in collaborazione con l’azienda Sulpol hanno elaborato il pannello per la specifica applicazione in isolamento termico a cappotto.
Mpe offre al mercatoil pannello Pràtiko, la sua anima permette un isolamento ideale sia dal caldo che dal freddo, e la sua struttura consente il passaggio dell’aria assicurando condizioni di benessere ideale per gli abitanti ed una lunga vita al tetto. Si arriva infine a sistemi completi come il sistema costruttivo integrato Plastbau composto di Muro, solaio e tramezza proposto da Poliespanso, coibentazione senza ponti termici, comfort abitativo, risparmio energetico e facilità di trasporto e di installazione.